Apr 19, 2012

Forks over Knives

2 days ago I watched a documentary called Forks over Knives, its one of many documentaries i've watched about health in America; like every other documentary it  only reinforces the truth although with a more scientific approach that the way we eat can potentially control and even reverse most chronic diseases affecting half of the world today.

The sad reality that bothers me completely is that my generation may be the first generation to live less than its parents.

Thomas Edison said "The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition". Its heartbreaking for me to think that we are letting ourselves go through the worst because of the negligence and ignorance that is being educated to us by our society instead of being encouraged to do what in our nature is right to do.

Our mechanisms of satiation are being fooled- Doug Lisle, Ph.D.

Fact: There is a range of receptors in our stomach that helps us gage  how much food we've eaten, these include stretch receptors to help meassure the shared volume of food in our stomach, we also have density receptors to help determine the chloric density (The "richness") of our food. Only 500 calories fills the stomach completely, triggering all our receptors to signal the brain that we are full, but 500 calories of unnaturally rich, or processed foods fills the stomach far less deceiving our receptors into telling our brain that we need more.

The problem is that if we make our foods completely artificial, which we do today, we wind up with the problem that people have to over- eat, just to be satisfied- Doug Lisle, Ph.D.

Fact: We are programmed to: Seek pleasure; avoid pain; and do it all with the greatest economy of energy. The world is designed to service your wants, encourage your comfort, and promote your excess.  This may sound like a life of comfort and ease, by we all know the consequences are broad and devastating. The world is designed to promote immediate satisfaction, not optimal health. Ritch foods naturally excite our senses because they tell us they will provide the highest amount of  a dietary reward with the least amount of effort; this helped our ancestors find the most calorie dense and whole foods availabe which contribute to our survival. In today's environment however; we can artifically increase calorie density well beyond what we can find in nature, these foods give us a hypernormal amound of pleasure leading us into a pleasure trap. The pleasure trap is an interaction between our natural instincts which are trying to tell us the right thing to do and some kind of artificial modern stimulation that is high jacking that process. The easiest way to describe this trap is to that of a drug addiction, the ways drugs work is  they high jack the existing pleasure circuits and when certain chemicals hit those areas, they cause feelings of excitement and euphoria. This reaction happens when we eat highly concentrated processed  foods. We have removed every essential part of a whole food and have created a food so highly  saturated in fats and sugars that it is becoming a low grade addiction. 

But ofcourse that is the stragedy, luring people to have to want more; numbing our instincts to making the right choice, obliviating the consequences that these choices will bring. What's worse is that the lower class citizens are boxed into having few or no choices on how they eat because this kind of food is what they can afford. 
A lot of us can't break free from the system because its all we have to support us, what's sad is that the only interest they have is not our best interest. 

To me its not a matter of support and acceptance by Society; its a matter of knowledge and education of this simple truth. 

There are many people taking on this movement providing us with vital information that can change the way we think and the way we live forever. 

List of Documentaries I've watched:

Food Matters

Food Inc.

Forks over knives

Simply Raw

There's a whole bunch of these everywhere, they  all have WOW facts in them that really shake you up and wake you up to reality;most of them you can watch online. Do it! 

1 comment:

  1. Alina Yaccino! cuando vas a postear algo de tu vida en Brazil?? Love u loquilla! y we miss you muchísimo!
